Re: Backspace/Delete in xterm

From: Laureen Woo (
Date: Tue Aug 15 2000 - 11:49:18 EDT

Hello John,

Under Xconfig, Input, Edit.
Double click on the BS button. This should open a window called
Key:Backspace (scan code 0xe).
Change Symbol Set to Filler.
Click on NoSymbol and drag it to the shifted option (Delete). So instead of
saying Delete it will now be NoSymbol.
Click on Okay
Restart the Exceed Xserver.


-----Original Message-----
From: Title: ExceedUsers [mailto:EXCEEDUSERS@HUMMINGBIRD.COM]On Behalf
Of John Bullock
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 10:27 AM
Subject: Backspace/Delete in xterm

I connect to a Linux(RH 6.2) server using exceed(6.2), when I get an xterm
up (running tcsh),
I get ~~~ when I backspace or delete. I have done the stty erase...
setting without any

My client is Win98, but I get similar results with NT4.0-SP6A.
Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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